Dukes Meadows parking proposals (Update)

The Chiswick Horticultural & Allotments Society has taken a stand against the proposed parking restrictions around Dukes Meadows. Below is the Letter by the Chairman Henry  Gewanter addressed to Stephania Horne ( Head of Parks and Sport at London Borough of Hounslow). Further actions will be taken on behalf of the Dukes Meadows Allotments holders

In the meantime you can still have your say, please follow the link below.




Dear Stefania,

Although I have responded to your online survey in my personal capacity, I have been asked by the management committee of the Chiswick Horticultural & Allotments Society (“CHAS”) to write to you in my capacity as Chairman of the Society to object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed parking scheme.

As was discussed in the earlier consultation period, we made it quite clear that it was essential to have significant free parking available for allotment holders alongside Dukes Meadow.

Your proposal for a mere 20 minutes is barely enough time to unload a car, but insufficient for more than that. 

As many (indeed, most) allotment holders are relatively elderly and live some distance from their allotments, they need to be able to park their cars nearby for at least half a day at a time – although many enjoy the outdoors all day, particularly during warmer weather, so should be able to do so without further financial penalty.

Hounslow’s Integrated Health & Social Care teams (of which, wearing another hat, I am also a member) are trying to ensure the elderly residents of our borough stay active and engage in as much healthy outdoor exercise as possible – something the CHAS has been encouraging since 1915.

We therefore feel the new proposals are not only a betrayal of the initial consultation, but a backwards and self-defeating step in the borough’s efforts to encourage a healthier lifestyle for its residents.

I would, therefore, be grateful for your reconsideration of this severely retrograde proposal and look forward to hearing from you on this important matter.

Kind regards,

Henry L Gewanter
Chiswick Horticultural & Allotments Society



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