In 2019, after consultation, the London Borough of Hounslow, issued a traffic order to cover Off Street Car Parking Places and Parking Restrictions – Dukes Meadows (Dan Mason Drive, Riverside Drive and The Promenade)
The order came into force on the 11th January 2020.
In effect, it gave the Council the authority to prohibit parking in the above roads and to construct and charge for parking in any parking bays it has built.
The parking order covers Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 5pm.
The council painted double yellow lines in the above roads, which by the way cover the area to the back of any footpath and are enforceable all day every day.
They also constructed some parking bays and marked out areas on the road where parking charge were to apply.
The advent of Covid and the delays in constructing the parking bays delayed the actual start date of the restrictions.
Signs have now been erected to inform motorists they are entering a restricted zone.
Parking is permitted in the areas that have have been marked out and are free during the week but chargeable on Saturday and Sunday. Parking is cash free, and can only be paid for by contacting the telephone number at each of the individual parking sites. If the site does not have signs indicating, it is an official parking bay, the road line markings become the default restrictions. So, if the road has double yellow lines it means the areas off the road are no parking at any time.
The double yellow lines restriction has been enforced for some time.
The parking restrictions will become enforceable from the 11th June 2022