It’s taken some time but at the committee meeting this week, the final hurdle to accepting the Climate Charter was overcome, that was stopping selling compost that contains peat.
All members of CHAS had a chance to vote on the issue and the results were in favour of getting rid of the peat.
It’s not all good news (from my perspective), the committee only agreed to not buy any more peat compost from the end of 2022, and the vote was not unanimous .
But it does show a positive attitude in the society overall, members and the committee on the whole are looking out for the future of the planet.
Even tho’ it was not unanimous, it was a win. And, even tho’ it won’t be enacted until end 2022, at least you can take comfort that the policy will be enacted from Jan 2023. Thank you for your work on this. Pamela Mayorcas