Agriculture versus Horticulture

According to Wikipedia

Agriculture is the term generally given to cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops for

the production of food.

Horticulture is defined as the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.

The question is asked because one of the exemptions the government has given is for Agricultural Supplies Shops.

Garden centres and Nurseries are facing financial ruin because their activities are defined as ornamental horticulture and there are currently no outlets open to sell their products.

I am of the opinion, and only time, or a big burly policeman at my door will tell if I am wrong, that the CHAS Trading Hut comes in the category of an Agricultural Supplies Stores. We sell mainly plants that are grown on for the production of food, and products such as manure and compost to aid that growing.

Our Greenhouse team of volunteers have planted up several hundred edible crops from tomatoes to all brassicas and chillies. They will be ready for planting out within the next week or so if you can cover the hardier ones with cloches or keep the tender ones frost free till the end of the month.

However, the Trading Hut remains closed because we have exhausted our supply of manure and compost. Jill our trading secretary is in communication with the suppliers daily, but they are unable to give us a definite delivery date. It will only be Country Natural and Multi-Purpose Compost that will be available.

Regular updates on the deliveries and shop opening times will be posted on

Keep well!!!

Dennis Flaherty

Allotment Secretary

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