The Chiswick Horticultural and Allotments Society is a registered UK charity whose objectives are the promotion and furtherance of the art,
science and practice of horticulture. The Society was originally founded in 1915 as the Chiswick Allotment Holders Association.
It is run entirely by volunteers; the committee, the allotment site reps, the greenhouse team and the trading centre volunteers.
The Society’s President is Alderman Paul Lynch, and Vice Presidents, Jill Morris and Councillor Jack Emsley.
David oversees the financial affairs of the society.
Kourosh oversees governance, data protection and information technology.
Mark oversees the operations of the Trading Centre.
Alain attends to allotment related matters and updates members across six sites (610) plots.
Mike organises the Society’s Summer and Autumn shows alongside Judy, and creates the yearly handbook.
Judy organises the Society’s Summer and Autumn shows alongside Mike.
John plays a vital role as a community outreach coordinator in the local community.
Charlotte coordinates the Society’s public relations. She also edits and sends the very popular weekly newsletter to members.
Martin organises and promotes the Society’s events.
John liaises with public organisations and bodies on behalf of the Society.
Martin is a trustee and a valuable member of the team.
Yosef designs and maintains the website, produces multimedia content, and teaches the weekly art classes.
Thanks to the CHAS greenhouse volunteers who are busy all year growing vegetables and flowers from seed for sale in the trading centre, the shows and for the May plant sale.
Thanks to the important individuals who volunteer at the Trading Centre manning the till, counter, compost hut and enrolling members.
And not forgetting the volunteers who provide refreshments for talks and shows, including delicious homemade cakes!